Technical Assistance to Improve Border Management in Chad

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The Government of Chad has recently identified their border management system as one of the areas that they believe could be reinforced to meet the challenges being faced in managing migration through their borders. To that end, they have requested assistance from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to elaborate a long-term strategy for the development of a comprehensive national border management strategy for Chad.
The first step in responding to the Government request will be an evaluation of the current Chadian migration and border management framework. This project will assess the entry and exit procedures in place at the borders with particular attention being paid to the humanitarian aspects of border management. The assessment will aim to examine the capacity of border entry points to cope with massive influxes of populations as a result of crises that may occur in neighbouring countries and then will make clear recommendations. The results of the study and the recommendations contained therein will serve as the basis for the development of the National Border Management Strategy for the Government of Chad. IOM intends to seek further funding for the implementation of this strategy in due course.