Support for the development of an Integrated Border Management (IBM) Road Map for Turkey in the framework of EU accession requirements

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  • Benefiting Member States

In line with ‘2010 Migration Initiative’ priorities for Turkey, this project aims to support Turkey’s efforts in migration management and in particular to enhance its national capacity through supporting the development of a ‘road map’ for the updating and implementation of the National Strategy on Integrated Border Management (IBM), developed within the framework of EU accession requirements. Activities will include an internal assessment of the Bureau for Border Management Legislation and Administrative Capacity (DIB/IBM) unit, consultative workshops/strategic meetings with the Task Force for External Borders with the overall objective to obtain the approval for the DIB/IBM unit work plan and its defined objectives and to provide specific training and workshops related to IBM topics. The project will develop and enhance Turkey's legal, institutional and technical capacity for alignment with EU's Integrated Border Management (IBM) policy and best practices through supporting the Turkish Government in transforming the current border management approach and set up into one of integrated and cohesive multi agency cooperation.