Strengthening Technical Capacity in Guyana to Enhance Identity Management Security

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  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States

This project was developed in response to a request for technical assistance made to IOM by the Government of Guyana. The overall objective is to strengthen the security mechanisms for the enhancement of migration management in Guyana, in particular increasing breeder document security to enhance passport issuance identity reliability.
The Government of Guyana (GoG) has begun the digitalization of birth certificates; however, the Government recognizes that there is no application with security features to improve the integrity of the birth certificate and other related issuance systems and no methods for faster production. The GoG has further requested a technical assessment to determine what additional support is required to include security features to improve the integrity of the birth certificate and to complete digitalization of the records at the General Registrar’s Office.
The project will include the training of officials within the General Registrar Office and the Immigration Support Services, all within the Ministry of Home Affairs, on the use of the proposed applications.