Strengthening the Technical Capacities of the Government of Belize towards Developing a National Migration and Development Policy

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Policy Activities
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States

Migration represents a growing challenge in Belize due to the lack of comprehensive related data and consequently effective migration-related policies. Therefore, this project has the overall objective of supporting evidence-based policy making in Belize and will include support to mainstreaming migration data into migration and related policymaking and planning processes. During the first stage of this process, two key documents will be produced: a household survey of the migrant population living in Belize and a desk review on the existing regulations and legislations related to migration issues. During the second phase, IOM will support and monitor the consultation processes with the government counterparts, civil society, academic institutions, diaspora communities and migrant organizations, leading to the elaboration of a framework and concrete action plan to build the foundation towards the development of a migration and development policy. More specifically, the project will: 1) Establish a coordination mechanism through the creation of a steering committee; 2) Strengthen the capacity of the national authorities and other key stakeholders on migration and development and gender specific issues; 3) Conduct a migration survey and a desk review on existing legislations related to migration; 4) Develop a framework for the migration and development policy and a concrete action plan to help smooth the transition once the IOM Development Fund project ends.