Strengthening the Security of the Belarus-Ukraine Border - Co-funding contribution to the EC project SURCAP II

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  • Benefiting Member States
    Belarus Ukraine

The project represents a co-funding contribution to the ongoing EU funded project “Strengthening Surveillance and Bilateral Coordination Capacity along the Common Border between Belarus and Ukraine” (SURCAP Phase II) and supplements its achievements with a number of specialized activities aimed at addressing technical and practical needs/gaps of the Belarusian and Ukrainian border units responsible for the protection of the Belarus-Ukraine border – green and blue borders, as well as the border crossing points (BCPs).
The proposed intervention is specifically aimed at assisting Belarus and Ukraine in strengthening their border surveillance and migration management capacities along their common borderline via the enhancement of overall coordination and data sharing, inter alia on border incidents, between the border agencies present at both sides of the border.
This will be achieved via the establishment of a pilot Common Contact Point (CCP) at the Belarus-Ukraine border supplemented by the provision of expertise; organization of bilateral meetings to exchange border information and elaborate joint approaches in border management; a study visit to a EU Member State (MS) where such CCPs proved their efficiency; and finally, the procurement of equipment to strengthen the surveillance capacity of the border agencies of Belarus and Ukraine.