Strengthening Migration Management in Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus (Co-funding contribution to MIGRECO Project)

  • Start Date
  • End Date
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  • Benefiting Member States
    Belarus Republic of Moldova Ukraine

The overall objective of the project is to enhance migration management in Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus in line with EU standards. The proposed activities constitute a part of the larger EC-funded project “Strengthening Migration Management and Cooperation on Readmission in Eastern Europe (MIGRECO)”.
In particular, these activities will support:
- Regional officials in Ukraine and Moldova through conducting trainings on identification, referral and reintegration of VoT and extension of National Referral Mechanism to several more regions;
- Moldovan migration and statistics bodies to effectively collect, share and store migration data in line with EU standards, facilitated through technical support.
- the State Migration Service of Ukraine and Moldovan Border Authorities to effectively manage migration through embedding of EU Long-Term Advisors;
- Ukrainian, Moldovan and Belarusian governments to effectively monitor and evaluate the implementation of respective EU Visa Liberalization Action Plans (VLAPs) through a study visit to a selected European country with best experience in this sphere;
- Moldovan and Belarusian governments to improve migration management through a study visit to a selected EU MS to be sensitized with European best practices in migration management;