Strengthening Migration Management for Sustainable Development in South Sudan

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Management Support
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    South Sudan
Despite ongoing processes in building national governance, South Sudan’s institutions in charge of migration management remain in critical need of actions to improve the capacity of the State to deal with migration-related challenges, with impacts for the country’s progress towards advancing sustainable development. The proposed intervention aims to contribute to the development of evidence-based migration management initiatives for sustainable peace and development in South Sudan (objective), and the foresees two Outcomes: 1) Government officials and other relevant stakeholders take steps to mainstream migration into national and local frameworks and actions; and 2) Students, academics, and policymakers promote evidence-based policymaking in migration governance through the Refugee and Migration Institute. The first Outcome will leverage IOM’s Essential Migration Management, to develop a national training curriculum for the South Sudan context. The project will conduct a training of trainers with the aim of creating a league of stakeholders who will have the capacity to enhance migration governance, implement the national Comprehensive Migration Policy, and produce future initiatives, policies and laws on migration. These trainers will then cascade the trainings to counterparts at the national and state level to ensure the sustainability of the capacity development activities. The second Outcome will work with the Refugee and Migration Institute at the University of Juba to enhance institutional knowledge and skills on evidence-based human mobility policymaking. This technical support will foster migration governance discourses in South Sudan through developing curricula and establishing knowledge exchanges on human mobility.