Strengthening Migration Governance through the Implementation of Migration Legislation in Nicaragua

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  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States

This proposal aims to strengthen migration governance in Nicaragua through the implementation of the migration law: Ley 761 Ley General de Migración y Extranjería (2011) y El Reglamento (2012). It will include the following two components:
a) Establishment of the National Immigration Council, to include the design of an action plan on migration policy as per the Nicaraguan Migration Profile 2012;
b) Strengthen the Division of the National Archives.
Under the first component IOM will provide technical assistance and resources to facilitate and support the establishment and operational role of the National Council of Immigration. Outreach and training workshops on legislation will include the main border posts at Peñas Blancas, Las Manos, San Carlos, and El Guasaule.
Under the second component the archives Office and Register will be strengthened and adapted. This is in accordance with the Migration Law to centralize and process all information concerning the procedures for citizens and foreigners.