Strengthening Cooperation on Migration Governance in Comoros and the United Republic Of Tanzania

  • Project Type
    Immigration and Borders
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Comoros United Republic of Tanzania
The objective of this project is to contribute to an improved response to irregular migration across the Mozambique Channel through cooperation on migration governance between the United Republic of Tanzania and the Union of Comoros. The project will seek to do so through two elements. First, the project will enable the Governments of Comoros and the United Republic of Tanzania to engage in migration policy dialogue and enact a coordination mechanism that support effective migration governance across the Mozambique Channel (Outcome 1) by developing a route-based gender-sensitive research report on irregular migration across the Mozambique Channel (Output 1.1) and by supporting the set-up of a cross-border coordination mechanism between Comoros and the United Republic of Tanzania to foster coherence, promote adherence to international conventions and protocols, and encourage more effective migration governance (Output 1.2). The project will also empower the Governments of Comoros and the United Republic of Tanzania to better prevent and counter smuggling of migrants, its interlinkages with trafficking in persons, and related transnational organized crimes across the Mozambique Channel (Outcome 2) by providing relevant authorities with the knowledge, skills and tools to intercept, disrupt, investigate and prosecute smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and related transnational organized crimes (Output 2.1) and by supplying immigration and border governance authorities in Comoros and the United Republic of Tanzania with adequate infrastructure and equipment for safe, integrated and coordinated border governance in air, on land and at sea (Output 2.2).