Strengthening the Capacity of the Government of Sierra Leone in Border Management

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Immigration and Borders
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Sierra Leone
At present, there is no specific mechanisms in place in Sierra Leone allowing for the systematic collection of migration data and in-depth analysis of migration flows at airports and border crossing points, thereby preventing real-time checks by government authorities and informed-based decision making. These technical gaps hamper the effective implementation of the priorities set forth by the Sierra Leone National Migration Policy. In light of the above, the objective of the project is to strengthen the migration management capacity of the Government of Sierra Leone through the deployment of a Border Management Information System (BMIS), key element for efficient management of cross-border movement of people while also preventing, controlling and responding to potential cross-border threats. In particular, and in view of improving the management of migration in Sierra Leone, the project will set-up the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) system in targeted border posts, train immigration officials for the effective use of MIDAS and ensure its long-term maintenance, and finally, develop a comprehensive integrated border management strategy and action plan aiming to lay down the foundations for an effective and sustainable border management approach, contributing to the implementation of the Sierra Leone National Migration Policy with regard to border management.