Strengthening Capacities Towards the Establishment of a Sustainable Diaspora Programme in Eritrea

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Transfer of migrant knowledge and resources
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
The objective of the project is to contribute to the establishment of a sustainable approach to diaspora engagement in Eritrea. The project will be implemented over 12 months, with the aim of developing and implementing measures for cooperation with Eritrean diaspora based on a mapping of the diaspora in one pilot country (Output 1.3), updating the in-country capacity development gaps (Output 1.1) and incorporating learnings from another country in East Africa (Output 1.2). Though the Government of Eritrea (GoSE) has experience in promoting the engagement of Eritrean diaspora in national development, these small-scale efforts have been challenged by sanctions and the “no-war and no-peace” situation. It is within this context that the GoSE requested the assistance of IOM for active diaspora engagement in national development. This project will also complement the ongoing project "Facilitating Eritrean Diaspora Engagement in National Development" which is working with the GoSE to place four qualified Eritreans from the diaspora in four institutions as part of efforts to strengthen skills, transfer knowledge and provide advisory services to key development sectors in Eritrea. Though both interventions work with the GoSE on diaspora engagement, the scope of this proposal is focused on establishing the strategic tools and processes for the GoSE to establish a systematic and sustainable approach to diaspora engagement – of which the Temporary Return of Qualified Nationals programme will be one part of. Collectively, the capacity development activities as well as the specific products – assessments, study visit, and learnings gained from the TRQN exit interviews – will contribute to the evidence base to form an overall approach to a diaspora engagement programme in Eritrea.