Strengthening the Capacities of Cities to Manage Human Mobility in the Context of Climate Change in the East and Horn of Africa

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Environment and Climate Change
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Burundi Ethiopia
This project, proposed in parallel with a similar project in West Africa, aims to contribute to strengthening the capacities of cities to manage human mobility in the context of climate change in the East and Horn of Africa (Objective). It proposes to build on growing capacities in the region as well as the keen interest of Member States to build on the development of tools tailored for West African cities, and adapt them to the context of East and Horn of Africa, to manage human mobility and better cope with climate adverse impacts. The project will also stimulate African decentralized cooperation in mobilizing several cities over capacity-strengthening, elaboration of joint tools and best practices sharing. To contribute to the objective, it is expected that the cities of Bujumbura in Burundi and Awash in Ethiopia will integrate human mobility in the context of climate change into their local policies and strategies (Outcome 1), that the city of Awash in Ethiopia will begin integrating human mobility in the context of climate change in relevant local planning and implementation (Outcome 2), and that the cities participating in the project will collaborate with other African cities to more holistically examine human mobility in the context of climate change at local level on the African continent (Outcome 3). Concretely, to achieve these Outcomes, the project will allow the development of two gender-sensitive studies looking at interlinkages of human mobility and climate change, policy and data gaps in selected cities in Awash, Ethiopia and Bujumbura, Burundi (Output 1.1); the development of a regional capacity-building toolbox for policymakers and practitioners (Output 1.2); a Training of Trainers pilot based on the developed toolbox (Output 2.1); a pilot, participatorily-driven adaptation project in Awash (Output 2.2); and, in coordination with the similar project in West Africa, a continental workshop in Addis Ababa to disseminate the results of the projects and encourage and nurture cross-regional learning (Output 3.1).