Strengthening Border Management in Turkmenistan by Contributing to a Modernised Visa System and Pre-Arrival Exchange of Information

  • Start Date
  • End Date
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  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Asia and Oceania
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States

Turkmenistan shares borders with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran, in addition to having a long blue border along the Caspian Sea. The security situation in the region remains volatile. The Government of Turkmenistan needs support in strengthening the immigration and border management structures to ensure efficient and secure management of flows of persons and goods across its borders.
The project will aim to achieve the following two outcomes:
1) Enhanced capacities and knowledge of senior level officers facilitate the development of an e-visa system in Turkmenistan based on the findings and recommendations of a review and
2) Enhanced capacities of migration and other law enforcement officers to facilitate sharing of pre-arrival information among agencies as well as with other countries.
The project activities will include a review of the existing visa system in Turkmenistan, and based on the findings a set of recommendations for the government will be formulated. These will be presented at a one-day roundtable for the senior migration and border officers. The project will further include the organization of a tailored workshop for senior migration and relevant law enforcement officers on efficient visa systems. Additionally, IOM will review and make recommendations on the legal frameworks necessary for the implementation of Advance Passenger Information (API) and organize two tailored training sessions on API and border management. Finally, a study visit will be organised for senior level officials with the purpose of exchanging good practices in the area of border management including API.