Streamlining Employment of Foreign Workers and Migration Management in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

  • Start Date
  • End Date
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  • Budget Amount (USD)
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  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    North Macedonia

The Macedonian Government has exerted significant efforts in the design and implementation of national migration policies and programmes. However, despite institutional and policy reforms, including efforts to align migration policies with European Union legislation, their implementation remains ad hoc and requires additional support to streamline migration management.
The Government is also seeking to align migration management to specifically address labour market mismatches and support the formulation of comprehensive development policies including the facilitation and promotion of foreign direct investments.
This project will assist the Macedonian Government in achieving these objectives through the delivery of the following two outcomes:
1. Migration officials are enabled to introduce reforms based on comprehensive feasibility analysis and through newly acquired skills and experience; and
2. An improved migration policy framework that facilitates systematic migration management.
By producing targeted and evidence-based recommendations and delivering specific technical expertise, the project will contribute to improved migration management, migration policy development and simplified procedures for foreigner employment, bringing Macedonia’s institutional and legislative arrangements closer in line with EU frameworks.