Research Study on the Reintegration Process of Migrants in Urban Areas in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Return Assist to Migrants and Government
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    El Salvador Honduras Mexico Guatemala

The main objective of this proposal is to document the status of returning migrants and inform key stakeholders, namely government institutions, local authorities, employers and the civil society. By gathering primary and secondary evidence, the research is intended to provide key actors with a set of recommendations to better address reintegration, promoting equal access to services to both men and women, understanding the most frequent institutional gaps, and maximizing the existing opportunities in each country. A better understanding of this issue will result in more targeted and efficient actions towards a sustainable reintegration, which, eventually, will benefit both returning migrants and the hosting communities.
The project will include the following components:
1. Research on the main methodologies, lessons learnt and good practices on all IOM reintegration programmes;
2. A quantitative analysis of the services available for the reintegration of returnees. This analysis will result in a comprehensive report listing the services available, describing the existing opportunities and the returnees’ needs in each country. Moreover, the analysis will include a number of case studies to deepen the investigation with concrete examples and stories;
3. The dissemination of the recommendations to all stakeholders based on both the results of the research and the study. This will allow for concrete actions to be implemented to ensure good practices of reintegration and to improve existing care services.