Providing Technical Support to Improve Border and Migration Management in Sudan

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The proposed project seeks to complement ongoing capacity building project activities aiming at enhancing border and migration management in Sudan through providing basic skills trainings and specialized technical advice in support of relevant government counterparts in Sudan. This project will focus on two main components:
(I) Training courses for both female and male immigration officials at Khartoum International Airport aimed at enhancing their border management skills, specifically on travel document inspection techniques. Basic document examination equipment will also be provided for use during the trainings, as well as at the first control line at the immigration check counters at the airport following the completion of the trainings.
(II) Supporting the further improvement of visa processes and related guidelines aimed at enhancing the knowledge of government officials. This component will be accomplished through: a study visit to Rwanda for GoS officials to relevant border management institutions based in Kigali to demonstrate the positive changes that have been made to improve border and migration management in Rwanda; drafting a Procedural Manual for visa officers as well as designing and installing a webpage with visa information for applicants on the official website of the MoI.