Promoting Social Integration among Migrant Population and Host Communities through Environmental Activities in Colombia

  • Project Type
    Integration and Social Cohesion
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States
Colombia was home to more than 2.8 million Venezuelan migrants as of December 2023, making it the host country with the largest number of migrants of this nationality. The project will be implemented in Bucaramanga, Riohacha and Ipiales, cities that have received a considerable migratory flow from Venezuela and which currently face social challenges (such as xenophobia and discrimination, especially towards migrant women), as well as environmental challenges (such as limited access to clean water, food insecurity, exposure to pollution, lack of access to clean energy, loss of biodiversity and inadequate solid waste management). This project aims to contribute to the resilience, integration and social cohesion of migrants and host communities of all genders, ages, abilities and other diversities in Colombia. To achieve this objective, it is expected that migrants and host communities will integrate socially and implement environmental management initiatives (Outcome 1). Specifically, local governments will strengthen their capacities by piloting environmental initiatives in community spaces free of social exclusion, led by host communities and migrant populations particularly women, adolescents, children and LGBTIQ+ population (Output 1.1); and leaders of the targeted communities will have improved capacities in community environmental management, conflict resolution and GBV prevention with a focus on women, adolescents, children and LGTBIQ+ population (Output 1.2).