Peru - Establishment of a National Migration School

  • Project Type
    Migration Research and Publication
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States
Peru hosts approximately 2 million migrants and is the second largest receiving country of Venezuelans in Latin America (78% of the total number of migrants in Peru). This number has increased rapidly since 2018, drastically changing Peru's migration profile. This has resulted in important challenges for the Government of Peru, mainly for the National Superintendence of Migration (MIGRACIONES), whose legal framework was developed prior to this migration flow (Migration Law 1350 of 2017 and Refugee Law 27891 of 2002). This project aims to contribute to improved migration governance in order to facilitate pathways for regular migration and guarantee migrants’ rights in Peru. To achieve this objective, the activities implemented will focus on achieving the following key outcome: The Government of Peru implements coordination mechanisms to promote regular migration pathways in line with international standards (Outcome 1). Specifically, a National Migration School will be established by MIGRACIONES and information on it will be disseminated to relevant stakeholders (Output 1.1); MIGRACIONES staff will have strengthened capacities in regularisation, governance and migration policies through a permanent training programme on gender-sensitive migration issues (Output 1. 2); and officials from central and local governments, the private sector and civil society will acquire knowledge and skills on Peruvian migration legislation, regular pathways and local policies for the socio-economic integration of migrants (Output 1.3).