Migration, Protection and Development in El Salvador: Supporting National Strategic Processes to Strengthen the Links between Communities of Origin and Salvadorans Abroad

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Community and Economic Development
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    El Salvador

With the creation of the Vice Ministry for Salvadorans Abroad in June 2009, Salvadoran authorities have increased their attention to the interactions between migration and development, and to the need for establishing mechanisms for the protection and development of their citizens abroad and families.
In coordination with the Vice Ministry for Salvadorans Abroad, a project proposal was elaborated, identifying key activities in three main areas: 1) Institutional and organizational strengthening of the National Council for the Protection and Development of the Migrant and his Family (CONMIGRANTES); 2) Development and socialization of a National Policy for the Protection and Development of the Migrant and his Family; and 3) Support to the implementation of the harmonized consulate registration system for Salvadorans abroad. By implementing activities in these three areas, it is expected that the project will contribute to strengthen inter-institutional coordination for the creation, in the medium term, of new programs for the protection and development of Salvadoran migrants and their families; and that it will strengthen the interest of the migrants and their family to participate in the initiatives put in place by their authorities on matters of protection and development.
Overall, it is expected that the project will contribute to strengthen the access of Salvadoran migrants and their families to comprehensive services for their protection and development.