Migration for Development in the Western Balkans (MIDWEB) - Co-funding to EC initiative

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Community and Economic Development
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Albania Bosnia and Herzegovina Montenegro Serbia

The overall objective of the project is to support return of skills and human capital and their contribution to the development of the region to the mutual benefit of migrants and countries of origin. The contribution of the IOM Development Fund (which would serve as co-funding to the EC project) is sought hereby for the following activities:
- by means of a training programme (and development of curriculum) for entry-level and long-serving consular officers, IOM will contribute towards strengthening capacity of the consular staff from the target countries to protect the rights of their migrant workers in destination countries, strengthen their links with diaspora communities, and facilitate return of skilled nationals.
- Temporary and Virtual Return (TVR): 60 skilled nationals residing in the EU will be offered the opportunity to contribute to the development of their home country by means of completing a two-month temporary return assignment at local institutions in their home countries (the contribution of IDF is sought for 16 assignments in the target countries). During their placements, the diaspora experts will build the capacity of the local institutions and offer expert advice on new technologies, improvements to workflow and techniques, and encourage transnational partnerships with relevant institutions in the countries where they now reside. Where a physical assignment is not possible, and option of virtual return (utilizing e-learning management systems) will be explored.