Mauritius: Strengthening Migration Management for Sustainable Development with a Focus on Internal Migration

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Management Support
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
This funding will support the Government of Mauritius in strengthening migration management practices, with a particular focus on internal migration from the outer island of Rodrigues. Internal migration, particularly from Rodrigues, is a prevailing phenomenon in Mauritius, with many migrating for economic opportunity. However, evidence suggests that internal migrants often hold precarious and low paying occupations and settle in environmentally degraded locations. Furthermore, a formal institutional framework for migration management and migration governance is not yet in place in Rodrigues and little data is available on the dynamics of internal migration. The project will support effective coordination of relevant institutions and organizations, create a knowledge base and ensure an appropriate institutional setup for effective gender-sensitive management of migration from Rodrigues Island. The project will support the development of a Rodrigues Migration Dashboard (Output 1.1) to regularly monitor migration data. Furthermore, internal migration dynamics will also be analysed, using a participatory approach, to enable the Government of Mauritius to enhance internal migration assistance and protection frameworks (Output 1.2). Capacities will also be strengthened at the national level towards enhancing the coordination and management of migration in Mauritius (Output 1.3). Ultimately, this approach aims to ensure that migration in Mauritius is humane, orderly and benefits migrants and society.