Mainstreaming Jamaica's National Migration and Development Policy at Local Levels

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Mainstreaming Migration into Development
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
In 2017, the Government of Jamaica approved a National Policy on International Migration and Development, which provides an overarching framework for integrating international migration into development planning. Since its approval, the policy has led to bilateral agreements, policy initiatives and standard operating procedures at the national level. However, there remains a gap in coordination on the migration-development nexus at the local level. Closing this gap would ensure coherence throughout the levels of government and support the sustainability of efforts. In accordance with the country’s national priorities, this proposal seeks to contribute to mainstreaming Jamaica’s National Policy on International Migration and Development into local development planning, particularly through the integration of migration, gender and livelihood considerations (Objective). Towards this end, the project has three Outcomes. The first outcome is to ensure that the Government of Jamaica successfully incorporates migration planning into local sustainable development plans (Outcome 1), which will be achieved through a pilot initiative to develop a migration section for the local sustainable development plan in one of Jamaica’s parishes (Output 1.1). The second Outcome is to ensure that stakeholders involved in the country’s circular migration programme adopt a gender-sensitive approach to migration planning (Outcome 2), which will be achieved through capacity development training for stakeholders, with the goal of empowering them to further mainstream gender into the migration planning process (Output 2.1). The final Outcome aims to ensure that the Government of Jamaica actively promotes positive elements of the relationship between migration and sustainable development in Jamaica (Outcome 3), by leveraging existing awareness campaigns to counter negative perceptions of migration and bring greater awareness to the positive linkages between migration and development (Output 3.1).