Institutional Strengthening for Migration Management in the Dominican Republic

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Dominican Republic

This project aims to strengthen effective migration management in the Dominican Republic through the implementation of recently-established legal instruments, in accordance with national and international laws, principles and instruments. In October of 2011, the President of the Dominican Republic signed into effect the Regulation for the Application of the General Migration Law 285-04, seven years after the passage of the General Migration Law itself.
Through the facilitation of inter-agency coordination for the clarification of roles, responsibilities, strategies and actions plans, IOM will assist the relevant authorities in analyzing the current status of inter-agency collaboration (including a mapping of the current organigram and inter-agency workflow) and identifying gaps and priorities for the effective and transparent implementation of the Regulation.
Based on the priorities and goals identified, IOM will support its government partners in creating the practical manuals and forms needed by government officials to carry out the Regulation as well as provide them with training on the utilization of these tools. Through this facilitation of coordination and creation of functional tools for the actors responsible for migration management, this project will enhance the capacity of the Dominican Government to put the Regulation for the Application of the General Migration Law 285-04 into practice.