Increasing the Capacity of the Government of Serbia to Address Irregular Migration

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  • IDF Region
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  • Benefiting Member States

An increase in irregular migrants is putting extraordinary pressure on Serbia’s services and institutions especially those dealing with accommodation, care, reception, etc. In the longer term, increasing irregular migration flows, locally and regionally, will require better preparedness and capacities to ensure effective protection services.
The overall objective of the proposed project is to contribute to effective and service oriented reception facilities for irregular migrants in Serbia through two components:
1. Support Border Police Directorate and the reception centre in addressing the needs of an increased number of migrants by assessing available capacities and resources and developing protection indicators and standard operating procedures to increase preparedness for accommodation. In addition, the skills of border police/centre staff will be enhanced to provide adequate assistance and support with the specific focus on vulnerable groups. Besides, information for beneficiaries will be produced and distributed, describing available services. Also, the project will provide necessary knowledge to the government staff and help to develop a Response Capacity Plan to ensure that important information on resources is available for all stakeholders.
2. Develop a government strategy to address issues of irregular migration in Serbia, through drafting a new action plan for the strategy to implement and transpose the selected objectives of the Serbian Action Plan for Chapter 24 of the Serbian EU Acquis harmonization process.