Harnessing the Development Potential of the Zimbabwean Diaspora

  • Project Type
    Community and Economic Development
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Year
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States

The Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) prioritized the development and finalization of a national diaspora policy and thus requested for technical assistance from the IOM Development Fund (IDF) . In this regard, the IDF agreed to support the GoZ in two phases with the first phase focusing on the finalization of the national diaspora policy while the thrust of the latter is broadly on the operationalization of the policy in order to harness and maximize the development potential of the Zimbabwean diaspora. The proposed project therefore builds upon and contributes towards the effective engagement of the Zimbabwean diaspora to support the socio-economic recovery and development of Zimbabwe in accordance with the national economic blueprint, the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET). The first phase of the project sought to support an accelerated plan of action to finalize the national diaspora policy and this was done through preliminary provision of technical support to facilitate the establishment of a National Diaspora Directorate in Government, support to undertake a diaspora study tour/look and learn visit to Ethiopia and diaspora policy consultative meetings in Botswana, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
The proposed project therefore seeks to support the operationalization of the Zimbabwe national diaspora policy. This will be done through the implementation of the following intertwined project components;
• Supporting the validation and launch of the National Diaspora Policy,
• Strengthening the National Diaspora Directorate’s capacity to coordinate diaspora affairs and reach out to the Zimbabwean diáspora,
• Supporting the mapping and profiling of the Zimbabwean diaspora and compile a sex and skills disaggregated national database of the Zimbabwean diáspora,
• Development and implementation of Zimbabwe Diaspora Investment Promotion Strategy which outlines and promotes categorised sector specific investment opportunities
• Supporting a diáspora outreach and engagement mission to the USA and celebration of National diaspora week.
The expected outcome is improved and systematic government led coordination, dialogue and engagement of the Zimbabwean diaspora for national development. The key outputs of the project include a functional National Diaspora Directorate; a comprehensive and consolidated up to date report on diaspora mapping and profiling; a national sex and skills disaggregated diaspora database; Zimbabwe Diaspora Investment Promotion Strategy developed and promoted; diaspora outreach and engagement meetings undertaken in the USA; and an inaugural diaspora week celebrations undertaken in Zimbabwe.
Key activities to be undertaken include
• (a) Supporting the review and validation and launch of the National diáspora policy,
• (b) Supporting provision of technical assistance to the National Diaspora Directorate, diaspora engagement capacity building workshop, secondment of a diaspora engagement consultant to provide ongoing technical backstopping to the National Diaspora Directorate, development of a three year diaspora engagement costed workplan for funding from the national fiscus,
• (c) engagement of consultant(s) to undertake diaspora mapping and profiling and to develop a national diaspora database as well as build capacity of the National Diaspora Directorate to manage the database, develop and implement a communications campaign for mobilization of the Zimbabwean diaspora to register on the national database,
• (d) national consultative workshop on development and implementation of a Zimbabwe Diaspora Investment Strategy; engagement of an investment consultant to draft a Zimbabwe Diaspora Investment Strategy; production and promotion of the Zimbabwe Diaspora Investment Strategy; targeting of prioritised and flagship sector specific investments from Zimbabwean diaspora nationals,
• (e) undertake a GoZ led diáspora dialogue and outreach mission to engage with the Zimbabwean diáspora in the USA; undertake national diáspora week celebrations.