First National Survey on Immigration and Emigration in Costa Rica

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Research and Publication
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Costa Rica

The objective of this project is to conduct the first survey on immigration and emigration in Costa Rica. The goal of the survey is to gather pertinent and reliable information about the migration dynamics in the country in order to further inform government authorities and other relevant stakeholders for proper decision- making. The main project counterparts are: the Central American Population Center at the University of Costa Rica (UCR - CCP); the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Vice Ministry of Governance and the National Directorate of Migration, and the National Institute of Statistics and Census. The project will be implemented over a 24 month period during which it is expected that the following outputs will be delivered:
• A free online access data base for institutions and agencies working with migrants, or studying migration, or for those who have the responsibility for the design and implementation of data policies or migration issues.
• A validated statistical sampling design with strata, mapping, selection criteria and weighting factors.
• Survey training manuals for field staff.
• A national symposium or workshop for dissemination of survey results.
• A complete diagnosis of the process of immigration and emigration in the country.