Facilitating Labour Migration Pathways to Canada for Youth from Djibouti

  • Start Date
  • End Date
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  • Project Type
    Labour Migration
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
This project aims to support the Government of Djibouti in its efforts to address youth unemployment by facilitating safe, orderly, and ethical labour migration pathways to Canada (Objective). Despite nearly a decade of positive economic growth, and particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic, Djibouti has a high unemployment rate, especially among young people. According to 2022 World Bank data, the overall unemployment rate is 27.9 per cent, while among young people (defined as those between 15-24), this number jumps to 77.2 per cent. In 2018, IOM implemented a 12-month pilot to facilitate the placement of young Djiboutians in Canada at Olymel Food Services. This project made it possible to establish a partnership between IOM, the Djiboutian government, the Canadian private sector and enabled the placement of 15 young people in Canadian companies. This intervention aims to build on this cooperation to expand into other sectors and develop a sustainable approach for youth labour migration between the two countries. This current proposal thus aims to support the Government of Djibouti to effectively establish a framework with Canadian authorities and companies to create employment opportunities for young Djiboutians in Canada (Outcome). Specifically, the project will carry out a targeted needs assessment of labour opportunities in Canada, with a focus on gender and youth (Output 1.1). The assessment will identify the specific sectors that could benefit from labour migration and how to best create and strengthen links, considering previous experience. The project will also initiate an exchange visit for stakeholders in Djibouti to Canada that will allow for the sharing of knowledge, expertise and explore the appropriate modalities for labour cooperation (Output 1.2). Lastly, the project will facilitate the placement 25 youth for employment in Canada, as a pilot, with the aim of replicating this approach in the future. Furthermore, the intervention is aligned with continental frameworks such as the African Union Migration Policy Framework and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development and Migration Policy Framework.