Enhancing Dialogue and Capacity in the Western Balkans on Return and Readmission Management

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Albania Montenegro

The proposed project aims to strengthen the return migration management capacity of the responsible national institutions of the targeted governments in the region through the sharing, development and optimisation of existing tools and systems on return and readmission. Albania was the first European country to sign a Readmission Agreement (RA) with the EC in 2005, whereas the other countries in the Western Balkans concluded RA in conjunction with the Visa Facilitation Agreements with the EC in January 2008. Albania will be able to provide useful insights into the application and regulatory framework necessary to most effectively implement the EC RA provisions. The project activities will involve regional workshops and cross border trainings, developing and disseminating key reference material for policy makers and practitioners, as well as a gaps analysis of the national legislation of Montenegro and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia in regard to their RA with the EC.
The project will also partly provide co-funding support to the ongoing EC AENEAS 2004 project “Building on Mechanisms to effectively and sustainably implement Readmission Agreements between Albania, the EC and concerned third countries”. The AENEAS 2004 project is managed by the Hellenic Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralization, with IOM as main implementing partner in Albania.