Enhancing the Development of Moldova through Engagement with Diaspora-Homeland Partnerships

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Community and Economic Development
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Republic of Moldova

In the past ten years, the Government of Moldova have implemented a number of migration related reforms. The policy focus has now broadened from a perspective of migration management to recognizing migration’s potential for development. The overall goal of the project is to create enabling conditions for Moldovan diaspora’s systematic engagement in their homeland’s socio-economic development through sharing technical expertise and knowledge they acquired abroad and cultivating Romanian language skills among the second generation of migrants. This will be achieved through two aims:
1) Consolidating a framework for diaspora-homeland partnerships where diaspora representatives engage with providing consultative and advisory inputs to Moldova’s socio-economic development initiatives. The project shall enhance the capacity of the national institutions to identify and implement in practice effective diaspora engagement initiatives.
2) Supporting innovative initiatives aimed at fostering a sense of national identity and cultural links between second-generation Moldovans and the homeland. This will provide stakeholders in Moldova with tools and methodology for fostering cultural and linguistic identity with the diaspora to maintain the communities’ identification with the homeland and enhance its propensity to engage in development activities in / for the home community.