Engaging the Diaspora in a Skills Transfer Model Based on Tele-Expertise to Reinforce the Quality of Public Healthcare Services in Morocco

  • Project Type
    Health Promotion and Assist for Migrants
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States
The objective of this project is to contribute to upholding the right to health by enhancing the quality of public healthcare services in Morocco through the support and engagement of the diaspora. The project will seek to do so by assisting the Government of Morocco to integrate a diaspora health skills transfer model based on tele-expertise as part of its diaspora engagement strategy to deliver high quality health services in Morocco (Outcome 1). This will be done by strengthening the capacities of key stakeholders to develop and implement a gender-sensitive diaspora health transfer skills model (Output 1.1); developing a gender-sensitive diaspora health skills transfer model based on tele-expertise (Output 1.2); improving the quality of healthcare services at a selected University Hospital through a pilot of the gender-sensitive diaspora health skills transfer model based on tele-expertise (Output 1.3); and setting up an accountability mechanism, including gender considerations, for patients of the selected University Hospital and stakeholders of the project (Output 1.4). By using lessons learnt and best practices of this project, IOM Morocco and its partners will seek to replicate this project in other health facilities and further involve the diaspora in larger telemedicine programmes in Morocco.