Empowerment of Women and Local Communities through Socioeconomic Actions in Regions Vulnerable to Climate Change and Internal Migration in Peru

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Environment and Climate Change
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
Peru is one of the countries most affected by climate change. As such, the impacts of climate change affect and will increasingly affect the livelihoods of the Peruvian population in all regions across the country. The consequences for internal migration include hydrometeorological hazards, both in terms of excess (through floods, torrential rains) and scarcity of water (through droughts, desertification, retreat of glaciers). On the other hand, the capacity of local governments to manage migration due to climate change, with a particular focus on gender considerations, is still limited. The objective of the project is to contribute to the empowerment of women and local communities in regions vulnerable to climate change and internal migration in Peru. To meet this objective, the implemented activities will focus on the achievement of two key outcomes: 1) The local governments of the Piura and Ancash regions responsibly collect, analyse, share and disseminate quality, timely, disaggregated and comparable data on migration and climate change; and 2) Local communities, particularly women, establish sustainable livelihoods adapted to climate change. Under the first outcome, the project will support the development and dissemination of a pilot platform for Local Observatories on migration and displacement due to the effects of climate change. In addition, gender-sensitive training for government officials on migration and climate change will be conducted. Under the second outcome, the project will support the development of participatory assessments on the local socioeconomic needs and opportunities in each region. Moreover, training for women in rural areas of Piura and Ancash on adaptation strategies to hazards associated with climate change, using ancestral methods and technologies, will be conducted. Finally, infrastructure/material resources and technical guidance for the implementation of sustainable productive activities to restore sustainable livelihoods will be provided, based on the results of the participatory assessments.