E-Library on Migration Resources in the Middle East

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Research and Publication
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Egypt Jordan Yemen

The Middle East accounts for over 10 percent of the world’s total migrants, with the oil-producing countries of the Persian Gulf hosting the highest concentration of migrant workers in the world. IOM Cairo office has undertaken several initiatives to promote access to migration resources in the region. The e-Library on Migration Resources in the Middle East is a web-based bi-lingual Arabic and English archive containing resources on migration in the region.
It contains more than 475 papers, statistics, maps and other documents regarding migration in the Middle East published by IOM, academic institutions, research centers, UN bodies, government institutions and other counterparts. The purpose of the e-Library is to contribute to the overall understanding of migration in the Middle East, to facilitate the gathering, processing and disseminating of information about migration in the region, and improve access to migration information.
The projects aims at enhancing the ability of IOM, governments, regional institutions and counterparts to conceptualize, design and develop migration interventions in the region. The E-library includes an electronic archive that can easily be accessed online at www.egypt.iom.int/eLib.