Development of Training Manual and Capacity-building on Migration, Environment and Climate Change (MECC)

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Research and Publication
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Azerbaijan Dominican Republic Kenya Morocco Papua New Guinea

This project aims to contribute to the formulation of policies on environment, migration and climate change within comprehensive migration management and adaptation strategies, in order to mitigate the adverse impacts of environmental change on migration. To achieve this objective, the first ever Training Manual on Migration, Environment and Climate Change will be developed which is intended to be a reference guide for policymakers. The Manual will take a mainstreaming approach aimed at bringing together migration and adaptation policy areas, via practical, action oriented modules. The proposed project aims to draw on research and publications of IOM and other experts and organizations in the field of migration and environment to design a training course with policy-oriented and country case-specific training modules. The draft Training manual will be developed and tested and evaluated through trainings in five beneficiary countries: Azerbaijan, Dominican Republic, Kenya, Morocco, and Papua New Guinea. The final output, the Training Manual on Migration, Environment and Climate Change, will be published in IOM’s three official languages and Russian and will be available for use by the qualified trainers to conduct more training at the request of IOM Member States and external organizations in the framework of existing projects and cooperation (not funded in this project). The project will be implemented in synergy with and provide co-funding to the EU funded project “Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP)”.