Developing a Comprehensive National Migration Policy for the Republic of Palau

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Policy Activities
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Asia and Oceania
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
The objective of this project is to contribute to improved policy frameworks that facilitate and support migration governance in Palau and enhance the benefits of migration for national development. This project will support inter-bureau cooperation through establishing a Working Group tasked with designing a National Migration Policy for Palau. Due to the nature of proposed activities, IOM will provide technical assistance, training, and support to the Working Group throughout the policy development process. To contribute to the project's objective, the key outcome of the project is that stakeholders from the Government of Palau develop a draft National Migration Policy using an evidence based and multi-sectoral approach, meeting regional and international standards (Outcome 1). To achieve this, an inter-bureau working group will be established to coordinate the development of the migration policy (Output 1.1), and evidence-based, gender-sensitive information on migration will be collected to inform policy formulation in Palau (Output 1.2). Next, capacity strengthening activities related to policy development will be conducted for Government officials (Output 1.3) and the press corps of Palau will be trained on the ethical reporting on migration-related issues (Output 1.4). Finally, the project will support the initial drafting, technical review, and validation of the draft National Migration Policy (Output 1.5).