Countering Trafficking In Persons in Botswana

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
This project aims to support the Government of Botswana in its efforts to address trafficking in persons (TIP) in line with relevant national, regional, and international frameworks (objective). Botswana was ranked Tier 2 in the 2022 United States' Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report and is a source, transit and destination country for trafficking in persons, particularly of women and children. In recent years, the Government of Botswana has increased efforts to address TIP, including the prosecution and conviction of traffickers, cooperating with foreign governments on trafficking investigations, as well as the identification, referral, and protection of victims of trafficking (VoT). However, further progress is required to adequately respond to the phenomenon. To contribute to its objective, the project has two complementary Outcomes: (1) The Government of Botswana strengthens policies and legislation to ensure the protection of trafficking survivors and reduce the risk of human trafficking and exploitation, in line with international standards and best practices; and (2) Government stakeholders and the general public are able to detect and refer potential VoTs, in line with elements of the National Anti-Trafficking Action Plan. Specifically, the project will support the review and finalization of various policy documents and action plans, including finalizing the Anti-Human Trafficking Act Amendment Bill and updating the Anti-Human Trafficking National Action Plan 2023-2028. It will also contribute to strengthening the capacities of government entities and partners involved in the response to trafficking in Botswana, particularly through the development and implementation of a sustained training programme. It will also include awareness raising and community outreach activities on the identification of TIP and the referral of cases, to support the prevention of trafficking in persons and the protection of victims.