Capacity Development of the Government of the Comoros in the Development of a National Migration Policy

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Policy Activities
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
Demographic pressure, the absence of employment opportunities and the emergence of a new migratory route with the Comoros as a country of transit are among some of the factors which currently hinder the capacity of the Government of the Comoros to promote a sustainable and inclusive national development. In order to address these challenges, stakeholders have stressed the need for a multi-sectoral and cross-cutting migration governance tool, as well as the importance of a strategic and political vision for the governance of planned and well-managed migration in the Comoros, for the benefit of host communities, communities of origin and migrants. In light of the above, the objective of the project is to contribute to strengthened migration policy frameworks to facilitate and support migration management in the Comoros for the sustainable development of the country. The project will seek to do so by supporting the first steps in the development of a national migration policy. To that end, the project will lead the Government of the Comoros, through the Multi-sectoral Commission for Monitoring and Orientation on Migration Issues in Comoros, to address migration governance issues in Comoros using a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach, on the basis of reliable, disaggregated, analytical and contextual information (Outcome 1) by setting up a technical consultation and monitoring structure for the development of a migration policy (Output 1.1) and by carrying out a gender-sensitive diagnostic analysis of legislative and policy tools, coordination mechanisms, stakeholder needs and gaps in migration governance at the national and regional level (Output 1.2). Additionally, the project will lead the Government of the Comoros, again through the abovementioned Multi-sectoral Commission, to use the acquired knowledge and developed governance tools to achieve, in consultation with stakeholders, planned and well-management migration for the benefit of the whole of society (Outcome 2) by strengthening the knowledge of the consultation and monitoring structure on migration governance and the steps for the development and implementation of a migration policy (Output 2.1) and by establishing an action plan for the development of a national migration policy (Output 2.2).