Capacity-building for Migration Management in Eswatini

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  • End Date
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  • IDF Region
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  • Benefiting Member States

The project aims to strengthen the capacity of Swaziland’s immigration services and its staff to manage the borders more efficiently through a computerized border information management system. The two main land borders Oshoek (Ngwenya) and Lavumisa (Gollela), as well as the Headquarter of Department of Immigration will be targeted in this initial pilot project for capacity building for migration management in Swaziland – a new IOM member state.
The project will pilot installation of a computerized border management system, the Personnel Information and Registration System (PIRS) developed by IOM, and equip and refurbish the two targeted border points. A tailor-made training curriculum corresponding to the contextual specificities for Swaziland will be developed, responding to the assessed needs within the Department of Immigration. Immigration officers will further be provided with training on PIRS, migration management, and passport verification procedures. For project sustainability, training will be provided to a selected number of immigration officers, following the model of “training of trainers” (ToT). Under the project, the trained trainers will build capacity of an additional number of immigration officers.