Capacity-building for Government Authorities Responsible for Migration Management

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  • Benefiting Member States

This project has provided technical assistance and support to Hungarian authorities working in the field of migration and asylum in the Office of Immigration and Nationality of the Ministry of the Interior (OIN). In recognition of the upcoming changes related to the Accession Process, including a projected inflow and outflow of migrants to/from Hungary as well as a continuation of irregular migration, IOM in cooperation with relevant government authorities has provided technical assistance regarding qualitative analysis and strategic management planning through action-oriented activities. The main objective has been to strengthen the OIN’s professional expertise in qualitative analysis of migration trends and the development of an effective management program and policy on integration of migrants. The project facilitated the determination of appropriate organisational, technical, and legal adjustments in Hungary’s migration management program.
Over a 12 month period, the following three activities were planned:
1) A three day study visit to Brussels by OIN officials, focusing on qualitative analysis of migration and asylum trends.
2) Four thematic 4-day workshops, in Hungary, delivered by experts and practitioners from EU Member States, focusing on rapid assessment techniques, analysis of migration trends, and best practices for integration of migrants.
3) A final report on the results of the study visit and thematic seminar/workshops, which will be disseminated among the government officials and interested parties to facilitate migration analysis, migration management, and sound integration policies and activities.