Building Capacity of Government Structures in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia for the Effective management of Readmission and Return

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Armenia Azerbaijan Georgia

This project addresses the specific needs of the three South Caucasus countries Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia as regards capacity building for the management of readmission and the challenges of managing return migration. It envisages the delivery of country-specific technical assistance to facilitate the conclusion and strengthen the (further) implementation of the readmission agreements that the three countries already signed or will sign in the near future with the European Union (EU). This project will adopt a tailored approach, taking into account the specific needs of each of the three countries and their state of progress in implementing readmission agreements.
The financial resources allocated to this project from the IOM Development Fund amounting to USD 120,000 will be earmarked as co-funding commitment to the overall budget of the EU-funded project “Supporting the Establishment of Effective Readmission Management in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia” (IOM reference: TC.0656) amounting to EUR 1,492,457, which started on 20 December 2012 and will run until 19 December 2014.