Brazil: Strengthening Capacities on Human Mobility Management in Emergency Situations

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  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States

Strengthening the capacities of the Brazilian government institutions in human mobility in emergency situations is paramount due to the increasing inflow of Venezuelans through the northern border. GoB announced a strategy to relocate Venezuelan migrants to other Brazilian states, which would require a wide and comprehensive capacity building intervention in the points of destination. On top of that, Brazil has a significant number of Internally Displaced People (IDP) due to natural disasters, violence and development projects. This project aims to enhance the capacity of civil servants and also civil society leaders to manage human mobility in emergency situations by using the guidelines and principles of CCCM and MICIC, in the course of 15 months. To achieve the main objective it propose two outcomes: 1. strengthen civil servants and community leaders’ capacity to manage human mobility in emergencies. 2. CCCM and MICIC principles and guidelines mainstreamed into Brazilian institutional practice. The project’s main partner is the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), a governmental entity of the Federal Executive Branch, under the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management. ENAP has the mission to train civil servants in the Federal, States and Municipal governments and improving the institutional capacity of the Brazilian State. The proposed activities will be developed in close coordination with ENAP’s team of public policy specialists and professors, especially the adaptation of CCCM and MICIC tools to the school’s curriculum, ensuring its sustainability in the long term. Estimated budget to project development is US 150,000.