Assessing the Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration Nexus in South Asia

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Project Status
  • Project Type
    Migration Research and Publication
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Asia and Oceania
  • Prima ID
  • Projects ID
  • Benefiting Member States
    Bangladesh Maldives Nepal

South Asia, comprising 8 countries including Bangladesh, the Maldives and Nepal, is affected by a range of natural disasters including floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), storm surges, droughts, cyclones and heavy precipitation. These disasters take a huge toll as they displace thousands of people every year. The impact of natural hazards is amplified by the following facts: most countries in the region lack strong economies and infrastructure, majority of the population and the industries depend on land resources, and large proportions of the population live in environmentally vulnerable areas. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has predicted that slow onset disasters and sudden onset disasters will increase in severity and frequency, threatening lives and livelihoods across the region. The IPCC also speculates that though current movements are driven by economic and social factors, the environment will have a significant impact on migratory flows in the future.
The proposed project aims to assess the climate change, environmental degradation and migration nexus in South Asia through a related study, field research and a dissemination meeting in Bangladesh, the Maldives and Nepal. The three countries have several commonalities including high rates of urbanization and international migration (though the Maldives is an exception as it witnesses net in-migration), while also being exposed to diverse climatic events. The experiences of these three countries will serve as lessons for the whole region, as they all face similar challenges due to environmental degradation and climate change.
The proposed project activities thus include:
1. Assessing existing evidence of the linkages between climate change, environmental degradation and migration through a policy and literature review at the regional and national level in Bangladesh, the Maldives and Nepal. Field research will be carried out on the nexus in selected districts of each of the three countries that experience high out-migration and are vulnerable to environmental events.
2. Drafting a regional strategy framework and model national action plans (NAP’s) based on a consultative process and linked to existing action plans/policies.
3. Organizing a regional dissemination meeting for policymakers to present the assessment study, model NAP’s and regional strategy framework.