Addressing Human Mobility in a Changing Climate in Mountain and Coastal Areas of Ecuador - Second Phase

  • Project Type
    Environment and Climate Change
  • Budget Amount (USD)
  • Coverage
  • Year
  • IDF Region
    Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Prima ID
  • Benefiting Member States
Ecuador is a medium-high risk country ranking 11th out of 33 in the region, with the highest physical exposure to earthquakes and floods. Around 39% of the Ecuadorian population is exposed to volcanic hazards, and 29% is exposed to floods and related events. This project aims to contribute to the adaptation of vulnerable communities to climate change in order to reduce forced displacement in Ecuador. It is expected that policy makers will make use of the scientific evidence on the nexus between human mobility, environment and climate change in mountain and coastal areas, with a gender focus, for the development of public policy in Ecuador (Outcome 1), and that local governments and communities in Ecuador will become more resilient to climate and environment-related risks and disasters (Outcome 2). Under the first outcome, the project will develop national and comparative reports from the second and third rounds of the panel study on the human mobility-climate change nexus in mountain areas (Output 1.1); as well as national reports from the third and fourth rounds of the panel study on the human mobility-climate change nexus in coastal areas (Output 1.2). Under the second outcome, the project will conduct assessments and design in a participatory manner pilot adaptation interventions in mountain and coastal areas (Output 2.1); and mountain and coastal communities will strengthen their capacities to adapt to climate change through pilot adaptation interventions (Output 2.2). All interventions will incorporate a gender approach.