Addressing COVID-19 challenges within the Migrant and Refugee Response in the Western Balkans

Title of Grant/Procurement contract Amount of grant/procurement contract Name of grant beneficiary or contractor Contract number Currency Date of Grant/Procurement Contract PC
Agreement for the supply and delivery of goods between the International Organization for Migration and Meso-Promet D.O.O. 15,921.00 Meso-Promet D.O.O. / Montenegrin CO-ME10-045/20 EUR DP.2213
Agreement for the supply and delivery of goods between the International Organization for Migration and ALLIANCE D.O.O. 43,785.13 ALLIANCE D.O.O. / Montenegrin CO-ME10-043/20 EUR DP.2213
Agreement for the supply and delivery of goods between the International Organization for Migration and Integer Smart Solutions D.O.O. 19,850.00 Integer Smart Solutions D.O.O. / Montenegrin CO-ME10-071/20 EUR DP.2213
Construction agreement between the International Organization for Migration and SUN INVEST D.O.O. 19,417.50 SUN INVEST D.O.O. / Montenegrin CO-ME10-064/20 EUR DP.2213