
Wrap-up Seminar Marks the Successful Completion of IOM Project in Haiti

The results of IOM's Capacity Building in Migration Management
(CBMM) project in Haiti were presented and discussed this week at a
national wrap-up seminar in Port-au-Prince.

Senior officials of Haiti's Ministry of Interior and Immigration
Department as well as other national and international agencies
that have a role to play in ensuring the security of national
borders present at the event stressed the importance of continuing
capacity building efforts in Haiti. They also urged IOM to work
with the donor community in order to continue practical activities
to address remaining and newly emerging challenges.

The CBMM project was designed as a comprehensive one-year
migration capacity-building programme and was funded by the
Canadian government's Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force
(START).  It focused on strengthening and enhancing Haiti's
migration management capacity to handle regular and irregular
migrant flows.

The project provided a broad range of assistance to the Haitian
Immigration Service, including the refurbishment of border
checkpoints, supplying operational transport, computer and office
equipment, document examination tools, installing a stable
electricity supply at remote checkpoints and a secure radio
communications system.

The CBMM also provided expert assistance in developing Haitian
immigration legislation, procedural manuals, management skills and
facilitating cross-border cooperation and discussions on
migration-related matters high on the Caribbean regional

"We have been looking for a project like this for a long time,"
said Paul-Antoine Bien-Aime, Minister of Interior of the Republic
of Haiti.  "The results have exceeded our expectations. 
We very much look forward to working closely with IOM and our
Canadian partners on future capacity-building activities.  It
is important not to lose momentum but capitalize on the solid
working partnership and confidence that the CBMM project has

Vincent Houver, IOM Chief of Mission in Haiti, said that while
infrastructure and equipment provided by the project were important
and badly needed, it was the skills and knowledge of staff that
were vital to the functioning of an effective and efficient
immigration service.  "There is a culture of learning among
Haitian officers, and the pilot phase of vocational training
provided by this project went very well and was popular
indeed.  In designing any follow-up capacity-building efforts
in Haiti, we will make sure they contain a strong professional
learning component which is key to the sustainability of our

The CBMM project provided professional training courses to the
Haitian staff ranging from forensic document examination, public
administration, security management, English and Spanish language
courses, and computer literacy classes.

In close cooperation with its Haitian partners, IOM has designed
a CBMM Phase II project with emphasis on border security, combating
trans-border crime and irregular migration.

For further information, please contact:

Erik Slavenas

IOM Port-au-Prince

Tel +509.245.5153

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