
Workshops on Global Migration Policies

As part of an international forum on the
nexus between policies and social science, IOM's Regional Office in
Buenos Aires is this week hosting a series of workshops in the
cities of Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Montevideo and Rosario on
Population and Migration.

The forum, consisting of some 100 workshops on
Global Issues and Dynamics, Social Policies, Population and
Migration, Regional Integration, Urban Policies and
Decentralization, was organized by UNESCO and the governments of
Argentina and Uruguay, the municipalities and universities of the
four cities with the support of academia and non-governmental

The workshops on Population and Migration,
hosted by IOM experts as well as migration specialists and academia
from Argentina, Mexico, the Philippines and the United States, are
focusing on regional migration policies and trends in Europe, East
and Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica (the region extending from central
Mexico south to the northwestern border of Costa Rica) and the
United States.

For more information contact:

Elena Solari

IOM Buenos Aires


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