
Workshop on Validation and Adoption of the Outcomes of the Yaoundé Regional Workshop on Counter Human Trafficking in the Central African Region

A workshop on Counter Human Trafficking for the Countries in the Central African Region was organized by the United Nations High Commision for Human Rights in Yaoundé from 11-13 January 2012.

The Chadian Government, Civil Society Organizations and IOM offices in Chad and Dakar have participated in the workshop.

On 18 February, IOM Chad in collaboration with the Ministries of Human Rights, Social Affairs and Civil Society Organizations has organized a workshop for validating and adopting the outcomes of the above workshop.

In attendance were 50 cadres from:

  • The Ministries of Human Rights, Social Affairs, Justice, Territorial Administration, Public Health, Education and Public Work;
  • Parliament;
  • Offices of the President and Prime Minister;
  • Human Right Organizations;
  • UN Country Team (UNICEF, UNDP and IOM);
  • Diplomatic Missions in Chad (USA) and
  • Civil Society Organizations.

The Minister of Human Rights, Ms. Amina Kodjiyana; the US Ambassador to Chad, Mr. Mark Boulware; and the IOM Chief of Mission to Chad, Dr. Qasim Sufi attended the opening and the closing ceremonies.

Participants have unanimously adopted the outcomes of the Yaoundé Regional Workshop on Counter Human Trafficking and made recommendations for their implementation in Chad.

The event was highly covered by the national mass media.

This is part of the two-year IOM Chad Counter Human Trafficking Project that is funded by the US Department of State.


Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Office: +235 22 52 53 59/60 (Ext. 111)
Mobile: +235 62 90 06 74
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61

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Agenda 83.05 KB