
Workshop on Migration Management in Eastern Africa

The African Union (AU) Commission, the Intergovernmental Authority
on Development (IGAD) and the IOM are jointly organizing a
three-day training workshop for senior government officials on
Migration Management in the IGAD region, which includes Djibouti,
Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda. Eritrea is not able to
send participants.

The training, which opens in Nairobi on 15 October, will bring
together 30 participants from the government ministries with a
migration function from the IGAD member states including
immigration, police, intelligence and foreign affairs.

It aims to effectively address both the policy and operational
challenges confronting migration in East Africa, and to build the
migration management capacity of targeted African countries as well
as the IGAD Secretariat.

The workshop is designed to deliver specialized training on
topics that include identification of fraudulent documents and
other related border security issues such as systems for visa
entry, migration and security intelligence systems, identification
of fraudulent documents as well as international migration laws and
policies that impact on the management of irregular migration,
migrants’ rights and protection in host countries.

"The training will also benefit the lives and well-being of
migrants, victims or potential victims of human trafficking, as
well as transit and destination countries, which face an influx of
irregular migrants from and within the IGAD region," says Ashraf El
Nour, IOM’s Regional Representative for East and Central

The workshop, part of the EC funded project "The East Africa
Migration Route: Building Cooperation, Information Sharing and
Developing Joint Practical Initiatives Among Countries of Origin,
Transit and Destination", has been organised in response to
recommendations of the Inter-State and Intra-Regional Cooperation
Workshop on Migration Management, which took place in May 2008 in
Addis Ababa within the framework of the AU Strategic Framework for
a Policy on Migration in Africa.

For more information, please contact:

Ashraf El Nour

IOM Nairobi

Tel: + 254 20 4 444 167

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Charles Kwenin

IOM Addis Ababa

Tel: +251 11 551 16 73

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