
Winners of Plural + Youth Video Festival on Diversity and Social Inclusion to be Awarded in New York

The winners of the 2nd PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival on issues
surrounding diversity and integration will be given their awards at
a ceremony in New York on 12 November.

International Jury Award finalists were selected in September
for three distinct age categories; 9-12, 13-17, and 18-25 years
old. The winning videos, which came from India, Slovenia and
Austria, will be packaged into the PLURAL+ 2010 Program to be
broadcast and presented at a number of international conferences,
film and video festivals.

PLURAL+ invites young people from around the world aged between
9-25 to share their personal experiences, views, questions and
hopes regarding issues such as migration, cultural polarization and

This year, video shorts (one to five minutes in length) arrived
from more than 40 countries representing a range of topics
including: the plight of youth refugees in Austria; the life of
Roma girls in Slovenia; migrants' rights in Ecuador and a child's
vision for a more inclusive India.

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"My video is about how I see diversity," said 10-year-old Aarohi
Mahesh Mehendale from India, winner of the PLURAL+ International
Jury Award (Age 9-12). "It would be amazing if we could live in
peace and harmony and accept differences. I chose to do the video
because I felt strongly about the topic."

The other winners were Martina Hudorovic from Slovenia
representing the 13-17 years age group, Sebastian Kraner, a
19-year-old university student from Austria and Miguel Basco from
Colombia, whose video about a girl who doesn't have a school
uniform and is excluded by her friends won the fourth category, the
Youth Audience Award.

The international jury includes award-winning filmmakers Idrissa
Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Naveen Qayyum (Pakistan), Fernand Melgar
(Switzerland), US-Ethiopian author Maaza Mengiste, and Brazilian
young media professional Louise Peres.

PLURAL+ was initiated by the United Nations Alliance of
Civilizations (UNAOC) and the International Organization for
Migration (IOM) in 2009 and is a collaboration with 21 other
organizations, including UNTV, UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), UN
Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Anna
Lindh Foundation, the CHINH India Kid's Film Festival, and the
Royal Film Commission of Jordan.

For more information on the PLURAL+ Youth Video Festival please
visit "" target="_blank" title=

For more information, please contact:

Amy Muedin

IOM New York

Tel: + 1 212 681 7000

E-mail: "">


Elif Zeybel

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