
White Helmets Tapped for Rapid Deployment in Natural and Made-made Emergencies

Argentina - IOM and the White Helmets Commission of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina (WHC) have signed an agreement to second to IOM selected personnel for rapid deployment in natural or made-made emergencies.

The agreement was signed earlier today by IOM Deputy Director General Laura Thompson and by Ambassador Gabriel Marcelo Fuks, President of the White Helmets Commission.

“Argentina is greatly honoured to sign this agreement with the International Organization for Migration and to be able to provide assistance in humanitarian emergencies,” says Ambassador Gabriel Marcelo Fuks, President of the White Helmets Commission.

“We welcome the signing of this agreement on the deployment of experienced White Helmets to IOM,” says Deputy Director General Thompson. “This will help the Organization better respond to the complex challenges of natural and man-made disasters.” 

The White Helmets Commission (Comisión Cascos Blancos) is a humanitarian aid agency based on an initiative launched by the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1995. Its central seat is located in Buenos Aires and works closely with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the United Nations Volunteers (UNV).

For more information, please contact

Ana Eugenia Duran Salvatierra
Senior Advisor for the Americas
Tel: +41 22 717 9382

White Helmets Commission