
Voluntary Return of IDPs in Somali Region Ends

IOM has completed the voluntary return of
more than 5,500 internally displaced people (IDPs) within the
Ethiopian Somali regional state (SRS), which has an estimated IDP
population of 80,000.

The last group of nearly 540 IDPs and their
possessions were taken in 24 trucks to several destinations in
Dagahbur zone with a medical escort and staff from a local
non-governmental organization, Ogaden Welfare and Development

The UNDP-funded returns followed a request
from the UN country team to IOM in Ethiopia to help return an
initial 6,000 IDPs from Fafen and Hartishiek camps in Jijiga zone
of Somali Regional State to Dagahbur zone. The IDPs had been at the
two camps for between seven to eight years after drought or
conflict had displaced them. The vast majority of families helped
to move were female headed.

Upon arrival at Dagahbur, between 300-350kms
from the camps in Jijiga zone, the IDPs were provided with three
months of food rations from the World Food Programme and non-food
items by UNICEF.

Prior to their departure, IOM registered and
verified identities of those being assisted as well as carrying out
medical screening to ensure fitness to travel. Awareness raising
work was also carried out among communities where IDPs originated
from so as to help facilitate the reintegration of the

For further information, please contact:

Lily Sanya IOM Jijiga

Tel: +251911210561

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